
A coloured version of the 1888 Flammarion engraving. This is the nature of the 'holographic universe'.
A coloured version of the 1888 Flammarion engraving. This is the nature of the ‘holographic universe’.

The world is very different to what we have all naturally assumed. Recent physics experiments confirm that we live in parallel realities, ‘holographic universes’. And in this type of world your expectations are constantly biasing what is likely to happen. This is what makes manifestation work. This is how the ‘law of attraction’ actually operates. It has been very difficult to understand but now we have the full picture.

The Relative World

In the light of quantum experiments, the eminent theoretical physicist John Wheeler stated:

No phenomenon is a phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon. (1969)

This is the famous ‘Copenhagen interpretation’, developed in the early days of quantum theory a hundred years ago. It was the end of an era. As told by the pioneering physicist Bryce DeWitt:

Wrenched out of centuries-old thought patterns, physicists of a century ago found themselves compelled to embrace a new metaphysics. The distress which this reorientation caused continues to the present day. Basically physicists have suffered a severe loss: their hold on reality. (1971, 274)

The metaphysics is the first principles, the fundamentals. This is how the stuff everything is made of actually works. It is incomprehensible, hence the huge upset. Nobody knows what it means. As the great physicist Richard Feynman said:

Do not keep saying to yourself, if you can possibly avoid it, “But how can it be like that?” because you will get “down the drain,” into a blind alley from which nobody has yet escaped. Nobody knows how it can be like that. (1965)

Now, finally, we do.

The new experiment both confirms the surreal new metaphysics, and makes it clear why comprehension has been such a hard leap. The world is only real where it is observed, and this applies separately for each individual. This is the extraordinary meaning of Everett’s famous Many-Worlds theory, presented in 1957.

This seems utterly nonsensical in the field of physics, which is why his solution has been endlessly rejected. But this is what is now confirmed in breakthrough experiment. Here the full explanation is presented. All on one page!

The direct implication of Everett’s explanation is surreal. We live in different versions of physical reality, different relative worlds. As described in ‘Quantum Bayesianism’, the modern update of the Copenhagen interpretation:

This means that reality differs from one agent to another. This is not as strange as it may sound. What is real for an agent rests entirely on what that agent experiences, and different agents have different experiences. (Fuchs et al., 2013, 3)

Such ideas have been sidelined as inexplicable weirdness in the science, but this has now been demonstrated in the leading edge physics experiment by Proietti et al., 2019. The nature of the relative world and the experimental evidence are described in The Relative World.

The World Hologram

Despite all this, the whole concept is still widely ignored because there is no fundamental explanation, the ‘ontology’. This is the breakthrough concept presented here. The first step is to define the agent.

In all of physics in the current worldview the agent is always the observer, meaning the physical entity that makes observations. But in the relative world the agent is something quite different. The agent is the mind that formed by those observations. This is the central point of Everett’s formulation of quantum mechanics, the way the world works at the fundamental level. This is anathema to established physics, but this is what works as demonstrated by the philosopher of physics Michael Lockwood. This is called the ‘many-minds’ theory.

The entity at the heart of Everett’s theory, the ‘Relative State’ Formulation of Quantum Mechanics, is the memory of the observer. This is defined as the record of the observations made. This is the entity Lockwood defines as the mind. This is not the mind as usually defined. It is one particular attribute of the neural functioning. This is the whole of one’s experience. This is the field of information each person is deeply and immediately familiar with. This is the representation of the world in the brain, derived from all the observations.

The extraordinary thing about this mind is that we do not experience it as ‘in here’. This is because this field of information is mentally projected out onto the real world, as shown below. That is how our perception works – otherwise it would not be much use. This is what enables us to operate in the world. It takes the form of a spatially-distributed, three-dimensional image, like a hologram, The World Hologram.

The Superworld

Coupled with the nature the Many-Worlds universe, this explains the relative world. The first point is that this mind has an extraordinary presence. It is present in a great number of worlds. It is present in all those worlds in which this field of information exists. The really strange thing arises because all these worlds are in the same place at the same time, ‘superposed’. This is fundamental to quantum theory. And this means that there is only one of this mind.

When identical slides are superposed on a projector, the result is the sum of the images. If you superimpose identical copies of a picture you just get that picture. The result is simply the same picture.

Two images of a butterfly added together forms the same image.
Two images of a butterfly added together, superposed,forms the same image.

The same is true of any field of information. So there is only one of your world hologram.

The extraordinary implications arise because it is in all of these worlds, all at once, simultaneously. So for this mind, the reality is all of these worlds all at the same time, superposed. The result is a superposition of worlds. And this produces exactly the reality of the relative world. It is determinate only where observed, by this mind. This is the ontology of the relative world, the ‘superposition-world’, The Superworld.

The Holographic Universe

The retrodiction of the ‘holographic universe’ provides the proof. This is a discovery that has been a total mystery. As stated by physicist Kostas Skenderis:

The idea is similar to that of ordinary holograms where a 3D image is encoded in a 2D surface, such as in the hologram on a credit card. However, this time, the entire Universe is encoded. (Beall, 2017)

The superworld explains this surreal but well-known phenomenon with a logical natural cause. The relative world is defined by the observations, and the mind is the sum of the observations. As the mind is a world hologram, the relative world is a Holographic Universe.

Strange Attractors

Living in this other type of world, the relationship to reality is fundamentally different. Your world is only real where you observe it. So if you alter which version of an observation is made, this alters which version of the observed event becomes real in this world. Fantastic though it sounds this is exactly what happens with ‘confirmation bias’.

Confirmation bias is when we see what we expect to see rather than what is really there. Essentially, the unconscious alters the observation so it conforms to what is expected. In the ordinary world this just means my perception is off. But in the personal relative world, defined only by my observations, something strange, indeed preposterous, happens instead. The events of that altered observation are what become real in my world. This is the direct and inevitable implication of the physics of the relative world.

This means positive thinking is essential self-defence. Anticipating happiness, health and success, rather than expecting the worst, is vital because either way these are self-fulfilling prophesies. A positive attitude greatly increases the chances of a happy and successful life. In terms of psychology this is nothing new, but in the personal world there is a global effect. Positive thinking tends to lead to a better world all over.

The expectations tend to act as ‘strange attractors’. This is a tendency for a complex system to gravitate toward a particular type of behaviour. The image below shows the famous ‘Lorenz attractor’, a 3D example from mathematics.

The Lorenz Attractor. It can be seen in action on Wikimedia.
The Lorenz Attractor. It can be seen in action on Wikimedia.

The way confirmation bias makes this work is described in Strange Attractors.

The New Empowerment

This means it is possible to direct the game of life. A rational new explanation for the myth of a spiritual empowerment arises. We can take charge of this process. We can generate and strengthen expectations deliberately. This is done through ‘creative visualisation‘, a well-known practice. This means formulating images of desired events. When these are brought to mind repeatedly, this induces expectation for these types of events. A strange attractor is created. Fulfillment of the desires becomes more and more likely. Affirmations, meaning statements about these events can also be very powerful. In other words, prayer works if you do it right.

This explains the new age idea of manifestation, also known as the ‘law of attraction’. You can make your wishes come true just by keeping on visualising them. In the ordinary world of modern science this is naked twaddle. You cannot magically make things happen. What goes on in the mind has absolutely no effect on events out there in the world. But in the relative world it tends to work. Visualisations can generate expectation, which gives rise to strange attractors. So the idea is in the right ballpark. But the visualisations have to achieve expectation to take effect.

It seems like magic, but as Sir Arthur Clarke described in the third of his three laws:

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. (1973)

The new physics reveals the facts and the logic of the great spiritual principles. The technology of these principles is described in The New Empowerment.

Quantum Karma

Karma‘ the other side of this coin. This is a longstanding concept of direct cause and effect in Eastern religions. Good actions generate a good future and bad actions a bad one. They were right. It is a real phenomenon. Unconscious expectations are constantly being generated by what one does and how one thinks. And quite unbidden these become powerful strange attractors in the personal world. Thus karma operates in this type of world because we sow the seeds and reap the harvest of our actions and intents. To do well in every way we need to bear in mind that the way we treat our worlds is the way our worlds treat us.

So not only positive thinking but positive action is required. In this light, ‘enlightened self-interest’ is the only path to full success, doing well by doing good, treating others as you would wish to be treated, loving thy neighbour as thyself. This is Right Action in the Buddhist tradition.

In the modern world, morality has become a personal choice, but the new worldview means there is a powerful selfish reason to do as you would be done by. The universal spiritual principle promoted by the great religions is totally real. These are real operational principles. But this is just how a relative world works. Dogma has no place here. This is simply logic. It means the Buddhist Noble Eightfold Path is the operating manual for this type of world. The full impact of karma is described in Quantum Karma.

The New Enlightenment

This new understanding gives us the means to resolve the truly intractable problems in our global culture. As stated by the pioneering environmentalist Alexander King:

Any durable solution to [humanity’s] external and internal problems can only come from evolution beyond the egoism that motivates every individual. … This seems the only hope of breaking the impasse of both great danger and great promise, in which mankind is presently constrained. (2006, 22)

This is the effect of the new worldview. Karma means that enlightened self-interest is the only rational behaviour. Otherwise one is constantly poisoning one’s future, not only locally but globally.

The inner transformation is the realisation is that the self and the world are not separate in the way we have taken for granted. This is central to the great spiritual paths. Now the implications of the new physics show us a powerful motive for such an evolution. Treating others poorly is driving the personal world onto the rocks, but skilful living brings about extraordinary results. Unfiltered egoism is disastrous for the individual as well as humankind generally.

You are the pilot of your personal world. Without this knowledge we have been playing the game of life with half a deck. Now it becomes clear that ‘being good’ actually means garnering success as swiftly and economically as possible. This is all part of the evolution to The New Enlightenment.

A Marvellous Vision

We have discovered that the the universe is even more extraordinary and miraculous than we could have imagined. We live in parallel relative worlds. And each one of us is a direct participant in the global story of their personal world. We have been pilots asleep at the wheel. As stated by the great physicist John Wheeler:

We are participants in bringing into being not only the near and here, but the far away and long ago. (Redfern, 2006)

He coined the term ‘the participatory universe’, meaning that how we live makes a difference. We are not irrelevant bystanders. As philosopher of science Dirk Meijer writes in the conclusion of his article on Wheeler:

To know that all of us have a role to play in the universe, should matter to each and every one of us and motivate us to take our personal responsibility. When we become real participants, we may truly make our world, and the universe as a whole, a better place for ourselves and all that is living. Ultimately we may even understand our own position in this grand design. (2015, 20)

He ends with Wheeler’s wonderful and famously optimistic insight:

Someday we’ll understand the whole thing as one single marvelous vision that will seem so overwhelmingly simple and beautiful that we may say to each other: ‘Oh, how could we have been so stupid for so long? How could it have been otherwise! (2002).

As physicist David Deutsch describes:

In other words, the problem has been not that the world is so complex that we cannot understand why it looks as it does, but it is that it is so simple that we cannot yet understand it. But this will be noticeable only with hindsight. (2011, 104)

This is paradise and all we have to do is make it so. The potential could hardly be better, as described in A Marvellous Vision.

Scientific Revolution

Why have we not been able to see this? For centuries, art in the western world was stuck in literal representation. The standard form, painting what the eye sees, was endlessly refined. The avant-garde revolution broke this static mould. First impressionism and then abstract art ushered in an experimental new age. New modes of expression emerged with a new type of social impact. Now in the modern world there is an unexpected parallel in the science of physics.

The term scientific revolution was coined by the influential philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn. As he describes, the great advances in our scientific understanding of the world are always great upheavals. As he documented, the major scientific discoveries that contradict the current worldview are automatically rejected. So only an adversarial and eventually overwhelming approach overcomes the stasis. The great upheaval of the new physics is no exception. The radical solutions to the great paradoxes have been studiously ignored. ‘Physicalism’ has been a fundamental requirement. Up until the arrival of experimental evidence the great Scientific Revolution of our time has languished on hold for a hundred years.

The Science

The modern scientific worldview has always been committed to a type of literal representation. This is ‘physicalism‘, the absolute requirement for physical representation. This is essential in the study of physical reality. But the revelations of quantum theory mean this falls down. There is nothing really there unless you look, so something non-physical is going on.

Fundamental intuition tells us physical reality is obviously real, so there is a deep natural reaction to deny the personal world. The resolution is that both types of world are real. This is what has been discovered but not recognised. There is no need to give up our superb scientific understanding, the worldview of the ordinary world. This remains the basis. The personal world is like a special effect in the universe of all possible worlds, a ‘class-of-worlds-as-a-world’. This is the new idea presented here.

This automatically resolves the great paradox of quantum theory, the ‘measurement problem’. The problem is the existence of two different ‘dynamics’, two different ways the physical reality changes over time. They are incompatible. They cannot both be true in the same world. The answer is that they are not. These are the dynamics of the two different types of world. This is the explanation of the famous paradox.

The resulting implication is remarkable. It means that the objective world and the subjective world are physically different. Since this is precisely what is forbidden in physicalism this has been an impossible deduction. Once again, it takes a scientific revolution for a revolutionary concept to be taken seriously.

The result is a new worldview. The impact on our human societies has the potential to generate a whole new age. Quite apart from happiness and fulfillment, this is the way to dodge our home-grown armageddons and make it through 2100 as a viable and successful race. This may be the test that has been failed so universally that there appears to be no other sentient life out there in this vast galaxy.

The physics of the relative world is addressed in some detail in The Science. This describes exactly how the personal world works and the new empowerment operates.


This is a manifesto for a spiritual revival. If we can adopt this new worldview we have the means to transform our human condition. We can’t change human nature, but we can evolve to a new level. We discover how to play the game of life for full success, and our race survives to go from strength to strength. The objective of this website is to lay out the principles of the established physics that lead to this new worldview. There is nothing to believe here or take on faith. What is presented is a simple logical analysis which you can follow from beginning to end. You have already seen the outline.

This new concept demonstrates the ontology of the personal world as a direct implication of the known physics. The potential benefits are extraordinary. This provides us with new intelligence about how to make life work for all of us. It provides us with the chance for a whole new era of cooperation and intelligence in the human culture. A better brighter age is dawning if we can take it on.

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